A backbending sequence for beginning students

adho mukha svan with real dog

This week’s clan of poses at our studio are Purva Pratana Sthiti (backward extensions) commonly referred to as “backbends.” Where foward bends “cool” the nervous system, backbends “heat” or energize the nervous system. Here is my lesson plan for tomorrow’s Basic I class designed for people new to yoga or who want to rework the fundamentals.

Tadasana/Urdvha Hastasna (Mountain pose with upward facing hands)

urdvha hastasana

Utkatasana (Fierce Pose)


Adho Mukha Svanasana at wall (Downward facing dog pose)

penn studio

Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I pose)

vira I

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four limbed staff pose)


Bujangasana I (Cobra I pose) notice how arms are straight


Urdvha Mukha Svanasana (Upward facing dog pose)

urdvha mukha svanasana

Salabhasana I (Locust I pose)


Ustrasana (Camel pose)


Chatuse Padasana (Four Footed Pose) note use of the strap to learn arm rolling out action

Chatuse padasana 9

Adho Mukha Svanasana arms and legs mat width to neutralize spinal muscles

wide ams



This sequence gradually contracts the back muscles which are released with the wide Adho Mukha Svanasna, so please don’t omit this pose from the sequence.  It is ill advised to do a deep forward bend immediately after a backbend. Why? Think of the spine as a wire hanger. If you bend a wire hanger back and forth it will break. Whereas if you bend it in the same direction, it gets stronger. If the back is tender after this sequence elevate legs on a chair or up the wall.

Have a wonderful practice!

5 thoughts on “A backbending sequence for beginning students

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Michael, Thanks for liking my post. I’m not so active on WP as I used to be, but I admire your work and how you simplify yoga for beginners. These are good for tai chi learners, too!


  2. Paul Tim Richard

    Just wanted to say thanks for liking recent posts. I haven’t posted for some time. Nice to see you’re reading. I always appreciate your sharing without expecting rewards for it. Your info is authentic and useful even for a taiji guy!

    Liked by 1 person


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